Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Getting Away With Murder

If you have been keeping up with News, you know what I am talking about.

Rediff has a chat with Jessica Lal's sister, a "Tell us" page for the cliched "Do the rich get away with crime?" (with a few ads on the side probably).

I felt bad about this, very bad. But not half as angry as I would have felt five years ago. Am I surrendering to the system? I had somewhat "I don't even want to read about this as it frustrates me" reaction to the whole thing. Tomorrow I will wake up, check my gmail while having my breakfast, go to the office and come back in the evening and probably blog more about this. Shame on me! The only thing that I can borrow some mental peace from is my belief in Karma. The punishment wasn't given in past lives, will not be given in the next life, will not be given to your progeny but will be given to the real culprits in this life and they will know what they are suffering for. I believe that.


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